I'm fundraising for a great cause!
Brain cancer research is on the tipping point. We can all be part of making important breakthrough happen. My fundraising is something that I can do to support the science- and in the meantime, the patients. I'm fundrasing for all the people out there currently battling brain tumors and for those who couldn’t wait for research to progress any longer. I’m doing this because I know we can find a way to make brain tumors go the way of the dinosaurs.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Becky Cerroni

John Seidenfeld
Thanks for working on this.

Joseph Cerroni

Harrison Zeigler
Go ‘Gate!

Josh And Diana Seidenfeld
Will request a Google 100% match

Peggy Zeigler
Sophia we are very pleased to contribute . This is such a worthwhile cause. Best of luck to you and your team.

Leah And Rob Bailey

Sophia Cerroni
Our Team

Chloe Sakowski

Kyleigh Russo

Meredith Francis (C)

Natalie McCall

Haley June Southwick

Grace Ciaravino

Sarah Regner

Talya Djemil

Marie Clausen

Rebecca Carew

kat metcalf

Bunny Cameron

Anya Suko

Sophia Cerroni

Alice Araneo

Ellie Myatt

Claire Chesnut

Sophia Sherin

Morgan McClutchy

Carolina Quirke

Kyra Neumann

Sarah Beth Sandifer

Sarah Slember

Helena Cerutti

Niamh Mahon

Lael Gott

Stella Curcio

Olivia Larsen

Audrey Brogan

Sophie Kerr

Ellie Givertz-Steel

Harper Hoffman

Mimi Emswiler

Love you!!